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Stories That Live In Us

What if the most powerful way to strengthen your family’s future is to look to the past?

I’m Crista Cowan, known online as The Barefoot Genealogist.  I created this podcast to inspire you to form deeper connections with your family - past, present, and future.  All families are messy and life is constantly changing but we don’t have to allow that to disconnect us.  I’ve spent my whole life discovering the power of family history and I know that sharing the stories that live in you can change everything.

Tune in weekly to receive inspiration and guidance that will help you use family stories to craft a powerful family narrative, contributing to your family’s identity and creating a legacy of resilience, healing, and connection.

Want to climb your family tree and uncover your own family stories?  Visit my website - - and sign up for my free newsletter.

Stories That Live In Us

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